LikeDMLikeDM is a likelihood calculator of dark matter detection.
The basic function of LikeDM is to deal with the intermediate steps between the input dark matter model and the data. It enables fast computation of the likelihood of a given dark matter model (mass, cross section or decay rate, annihilation or decay yield spectrum), without digging into the details of cosmic-ray propagation, Fermi-LAT data analysis, and related astrophysical backgrounds. @ LikeDM material
- the electron/positron measurements by AMS-02, - the antiproton measurements by PAMELA, and - the gamma-ray observations from dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies by Fermi-LAT. For one who wants to use direct detectin likelihoods, the branch "LikeDM-DD" can be download. Further developments with more data, e.g., from the gamma-ray observations of the Galactic center and isotropic background will be carried out soon. Authors:
Xiaoyuan Huang ( @ "LikeDM-DD" code
- PandaX (run8, run9, and run10), - LUX (WS2013 and WS2014-16), and - XENON1T (2017). For the users who want to use EFT, a matching between couplings of high energy scale theory
and coefficients of non-relativistic operators can be implemented by using ![]() |